Cerebral Palsy


How To Treat Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy treatment is a diverse field of study. With each case being as unique as the individual it affects, the type of cerebral palsy treatment a patient requires will vary from person to person. With over 800,000 children and adults in the United States alone affected by some type of cerebral palsy, an additional 8,000 children will be diagnosed each year. The diagnosis of new cerebral palsy patients is growing every year.
how to treat  Cerebral palsy

Most of the causes of cerebral palsy do not have specific, curative treatments. However, children with cerebral palsy present many medical problems that can be treated or prevented. The initial stage of treatment involves an interdisciplinary team, consisting of a pediatrician, preferable one with experience in neurodevelopmental disorders, a neurologist (or other neurological practitioner), a mental health practitioner, an orthopedic surgeon, a physical therapist, a speech therapist, and an occupational therapist. Each member of the team has important, independent contributions to make in the care of the affected child.
The physical therapist evaluates muscle tone, strength, and gait (walking).
The occupational therapist reviews the child's ability to perform tasks of self-help and care -- from feeding to manual dexterity.
The speech therapist evaluates the child's ability to speak and understand speech.
Most children with neurological impairment have significant emotional distress and also require therapy from a mental health practitioner.
Virtually all states have federally-mandated programs for the assessment and treatment of children with cerebral palsy and other developmental conditions. In many states, these programs are termed "Regional Centers" and can be found in local phone books. Also Children's Hospitals usually have special clinics with experience with children with cerebral palsy. Furthermore, when a child reaches the age of 3 years, the school district may become formally involved in the review of at-risk children. These programs protect children up to the age of 21 years.
Another cerebral palsy treatment is exercise therapy, which can greatly enhance the mindset of the patient and give them a great sense of accomplishment. Whether indoor or outdoor, exercise increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain and can alleviate stress. Swimming can be quite beneficial during cerebral palsy treatment, preferably in a warmer than average pool. Movements performed in water will be easier and more effective at exercising muscles. Recreational therapists are available to teach your child how to swim, which for some patients may be their only mobility.

Hippotherapy, also known as horseback riding, involves specially trained physical and occupational therapists in treatment for patients with movement dysfunction. The horse’s movements benefit the patient and they can bond with the animal as well. Hippotherapy uses the influence of the horse over the patient, rather than the patient controlling the horse. This strategy is used as part of an integrated treatment program to achieve functional outcomes in cerebral palsy treatment.



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